I crocheted two baby hats yesterday... several friends are having babies and I needed gifts!
The monkey hat... this one is so cute! I used brown cotton, so it's soft, too. Newborn size.
and, a little girl hat... this one's a bit larger, possibly for fall or early winter.
I'd like to make another one like this in brown, with a blue stripe and blue brim, for a boy. Or a girl. But no flower, this time. For this hat, I used a pattern from one hat, the brim from another, and a flower pattern I found online.
On a weaving note... I haven't been weaving. Still have the same scarf on my loom I had on in December. I got burned out after weaving many hours a day from October-December. The project on my floor loom scares me because it's a fine thread, the edges are pulling in too much, and I don't know how to fix that. I might just keep weaving and add some sort of edging when I'm finished (a thin ribbon, perhaps?), but obviously I haven't kept weaving...